Do you even know what Wimba Pronto is? Most of our Brandman faculty probably don't because we have not yet added that to the already full bag of new tools and strategies to learn. But it is a tool that you and your studnets have available within your Blackboard course site and as you'll read below, students are finding and sharing its usefulness.
Thanks Kourtney Chase (PADU 605) for sharing your discovery and for the helpful access instructions you provided!
To All of My Classmates-
As you all know we all do not have access to email at all times and it sometimes hard to arrange one single day and time out of the week where we all can meet outside of class to work on group projects/assignments, etc.
Anyway- I found a valuable tool this is available through Blackboard and I actually downloaded the program this evening. Check it out. The Program is called WIMBA PRONTO. This program allows you to interact with your classmates and even professors. The program is an IM message system which allows you to interact with each other. The program is easy to download (takes about 15 minutes):
Go to Communication UNDER Tools Section in Blackboard
Scroll All the Way down to A LINK TITILED WIMBA PRONTO and click
It will ask you of you want to create an account
The Registration form will automatically register you under your Chapman and/or Brandman email account
You then create a passwordIt seems easy enough and it's FREE- NO CHARGE.
Again, I think this tool/IM option may be useful in coordinating times, etc. to talk with other group members to complete projects in a timely and efficient manner.
Hope this tool helps everyone.
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