The IRC has been established to provide you with workshops, tutorials, research, best practices and other tools to help you navigate the iDEAL instructional process, improve your teaching, be more confident with the tools of iDEAL and have more fun teaching!
We're just starting and as you will see in subsequent blogs you all, the Brandman instructional team, will be a powerful source of building what the IRC has to offer.
To the right you'll find a calendar that currently contains pedagogical workshops led by Brandman instructional designers. Those offerings will expand, in large part through your recommendations to us of what you want more information on. The calendar postings also will expand with the inclusion of pertinent conferneces, online workshops and campus activities.
Above you will find documents and video tutorials, foundational information on the Brandman iDEAL approach.
The ClustrMap at the top provides an indication of the location of folks who are accessing this site.
If you are not yet familiar with "word clouds" or "tag clouds", that's what the multi-colored collection in the upper right is. This is actually an index (not yet functioning) that you can click on to access related content. As users access content within this IRC page, the words will grow to illustrate the more popular hits (i.e. larger words) from the less popular (smaller).
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